Cepac Barueri's Reporting Channel is the means by which you can safely report misconduct that violates ethical principles, internal regulations and/or current legislation.
All complaints are received by a specialized team, which will deal with the matter impartially, confidentially and anonymously. After a careful analysis, the necessary measures are taken and may even generate the revision and alteration of internal processes, in addition to the definition of educational measures.
Cepac Barueri does not tolerate any form of retaliation against those who report concerns, discomfort, negative acts or actions against themselves or third parties, legal, regulatory or fraudulent infractions, misuse of purpose and financial resources, moral and/or sexual harassment, theft, corruption, conflicts of interest, violation of personal data, ideological falsehood, prejudiced, homophobic or racial attitudes and any and all complaints made on the Reporting Channel.
To make a report, click on the Reporting Channel button below.